Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Clashing paradigms - work in progress

So, I've tried to list the characteristics of these two paradigms that seem to be clashing and changing in strength relative to eachother, un-easily overlapping and co-existing.
I'd be happy to hear any comments or additions.
Sorry about the layout, I can't figure out how to fix it. Just keep scrolling down, it will come.

industrial societyinformation society
top downbottom up
client - serverp2p
zero sumplus sum
screw 'emexplicit interdependence
exclusivitysharing, open source
distinct roles, producer - consumerblurring roles, co-creation
Monopolization of means of productionDistribution of the means of production
high entry barrier to productionlow entry barrier
Broadcastmany to many
Authoritywisdom of the crowd
Follow orderscreative thinking
motivation; money, ordersmotivation: fun, recognition
controlanarchy (as Kropotkin defined it)
vision, direction, intentemergent solution
Radically different innovationincremental innovation
Longterm planningAd hoc
mechanical paradigmbiological
hard science, predictablesoft science, probabilistic
reductionistholistic, emergence

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